1097. Speed indicator, used to determine the number of revolutions made by revolving shafts within a given time.
Just below the 500 mark you can see a gray line, this is a disk that moves and tells the speed.
Made by the Standard Machinery Company, Providence, Rhode Island
Two other speed indicators that have been posted on this site:
1098. Mechanical lifting jack for use on wagons and carriages:
The rack-plate on the right is the fulcrum, while the one on the left serves as a catch:
From the patent:
...principally intended to be used for elevating and supporting either end of the axles of various kinds of vehicles prepatory to removing the wheels therefrom for the purpose of applying some lubricating material to the journals of said axles.
Patent number 21107
1099. This was marked "boat hook", used by boaters when launching, docking, mooring, or retrieving things from the water. Though others say that it's probably a fireman's pike, used by punching a hole into the ceiling (or wall) with the sharp point then pulling back to hook and remove drywall.
1100. Film canister holder
A number of these can be carried on a camera strap.
1101. Cleco pliers, these are used with cleco fasteners for sheet metal and body fabrication. A hole is drilled in the metal and a spring loaded Cleco is applied to hold the work in place, sort of like a reusable rivet.
This tool is marked: Aircraft Tools Inc., Los Angeles, Calif., AT 508-A
With handles fully compressed:
More photos can be seen half way down this ebay page.
1102. Metal bender, these are used in a regular vise to bend metal up to 90 degrees.
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